Broadcast Awards 2012
Well sod’s law dictates that Grizzly Tales was up for Best Children’s Series at last night’s Broadcast Awards 2012 and because I am out of the country finishing a new book for Harper Collins I could not attend. Neither could Sara or Simon Bor or Nigel Planer… So what happened? We won. First time ever apart from The British Animation Awards back in 2004.
I have always said that Broadcast was my favourite industry paper.
It’s a strange feeling as the author. Fabulous that the show has been recognised as still being ground-breaking after 12 years, and obviously hopeful that it might lead to a further series. But in publishing terms Grizzly Tales has stagnated and I need to find a publishing genius who has the vision to repackage and re-present over one hundred cautionary tales to a modern audience. Call me if you’re out there….